
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Pinterest: It's a love/hate relationship

Mannn I LOVE a good Pinterest session.  You know what I'm talking' about.  A good cup of coffee, Pandora in the background, comfy clothes, and Pinterest.  I see SO many things that I want to try out! Sweet G got me more stuff to feed my Silhouette addiction for Christmas. {YAY!} So I've been searching for jussttt the right project to test out my new toys, so of course I headed straight to Pinterest.  That was 2 days ago.  I've still yet to decide on that "just right" project.  What is wrong with me, people?!?! What's wrong is I've gone into Pinterest overload- and I'm completely overwhelmed at the "must haves" that I now need to make.  

Here's my aha-moment.  Hello, New Year's Resolution! For every... let's say 10... things I pin, I must try/make 1.  I like the 5:1 ratio better, but let's not get carried away here.  I'm not normally one to make resolutions for the new year [I know myself entirely too well- I'll get carried away and won't follow through], but I think this one will be manageable... and force myself to become a little more creative! Do you have any New Year's resolutions? Do tell! 


Monday, December 29, 2014

Motivational Monday

It's so easy for me to let the day get away from me, which is why it's important for me to take control of the day and twist and turn it to my will.  Of course there are always distractions and things that get in the way of what I'd planned to do for the day, so I have to make sure that what I want [need] to get done takes precedence over these distractions that always seem to pop up.  I am working on getting into the habit of having a clear plan for what I want to accomplish for the day... and sticking with it! To do lists help me a ton {Good thing I love making lists!} with helping me force myself to stay on track and true to intentions.  Doing this will help me ensure that I don't get into the habit of letting the day run me so I won't have a ton of days that don't go my way!


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Have yourself a merry little Christmas...

Wow! Is it seriously Christmas Eve?! I'm that girl that's been listening to Christmas music since October and had my tree up since {the beginning of} November, so I can't honestly say that it's snuck up on me.  It's more like, I've been waiting on the porch, waving this day on in since I saw it coming. I don't do that to overshadow Thanksgiving, but I do it to enjoy the REAL meaning of CHRISTmas for as long as I can. I love it!
I think I love this day as much as I love Christmas... almost. ;) I've got to do some last minute grocery shopping and LOTS of present wrapping today. I better get my tail in gear SOON! 
While we're all waiting for Santa to come visit us tonight, let's take a few minutes to reflect on the true meaning of CHRISTmas.  How amazing is it that God sent us his Son, so that we can not only live, but get to celebrate His birth? It's easy to get wrapped up in the gift-giving and yummy eating, but I challenge you to always keep the true meaning of this day in your heart.  How are you spreading CHRISTmas cheer this year?


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Motivational Monday

A while back, I started reading and listening to personal development books.  Then I slacked off. So I figured I better get my tail back in gear over Christmas break.  As soon as I picked up another book, I wondered why I ever let myself slack off from reading it! I feel so much motivated, and work so much harder to be a better person when I'm reading or listening to a little PD.  I've heard several friends rave about The Slight Edge and Failing Forward lately.  So I put Failing Forward on hold at the library and got The Slight Edge for my Kindle.  I can't put the book down! I'm only a tiny bit in, but I love it already!  This quote stood out to me, so I thought I'd share it.  Reading, and rereading, this quote several times really got me thinking about where I'm headed.  Now, this gal has got some BIG dreams for myself, my future family, and my amazing little Thirty-One business.  But dreams without goals are pretty much useless, right? I did some serious soul searching today. And I plan to continue my soul searching on regular basis.  I should never be 'okay' with where I am.  I should always strive to become better... and not only strive to become better, but decide and work towards becoming a better person, future wife, future mother, teacher, an entrepreneur.  That being said, read this quote.  Then read it again. And again.  Who will you decide to be?
