
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Apparently teachers don't take summer breaks

So, for the first time ever since I was in school, I have actually had some time off this summer. It's been great.  But it's also made me pretty much worthless, so I'm ready to get a schedule down next week with some sweet kiddos I'll be spending some time with this summer.  In the mean time, I've thoroughly enjoyed sleeping late and taking advantage of G's schedule where (for the first time in foreverrrr) we've both been off on random days.  Earlier this week I drug him, he accompanied me to a big 'ol education store in a nearby city.  I was able to rack up on some basic decorations and supplies that I knew I'd need when I get back in my room.  At least I bought his lunch, right?

I've been following C Jayne Teach on Instagram, and have fallen in LOVE with her Teacher Anchors. So, I broke down and ordered mine today. Eeekkk!! I can't wait to get that bad boy in the mail! Be still my teacher heart. Seriously. Teacher friends. check. it. out. I mean, what teacher doesn't want a planner that's already got your grade book, data pages, running records, curriculum checklists, and wait for it.... your standards all in ONE place?! I'm beyond excited about this! Stay tuned for a complete run down when that binder full of goodness arrives in the mail! 

Until next time,