
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Weekly Recap

So, I promise I didn't forget about my promise to keep up with my blog; I really have just been swamped. Between working long hours, my hour long commute, and my never-ending to-do list, I don't feel like there are enough hours in the day!
Last Saturday, after keeping those 4 precious children, G and I went to the jockey lot with his mom. We found a couple of pretty adorable shirts for my dog-child. I also stocked UP on some books! I think I was most excited about the 4 million Juney B Jones books that I scored! Hopefully one day, before the apocalypse, I'll have my own little classroom to put them in. But for now, they'll be thrown into the top of my spare closet with all of my other school books.
Sunday, after the evening service at the church G and I had been visiting, we went with his cousin and wife so the boys could run dogs. Yes, I am fully aware just how red that sentence sounds. ;) And it appears that this is going to be the theme of my life, as G has completely fallen in love with rabbit hunting. Seriously. We're on the way to let the little beagle pups run around in his friend's running pen as I type this. As much as I love that he has found something he loves so much, I sure do wish it wasn't quite so time consuming! And expensive. Geez! Perhaps it's a good thing I've become so adamant about couponing and saving money!
Which reminds me about my excitement over this week's grocery bill. I went across the road to Bi-Lo on my break the other day, did my grocery shopping, then threw my bags in the fridge at work til I headed home. I think this may be a new trend for me, since I'm always too tired to go after I get home. Anywho- I saved about 50% on my bill!! Woo hoo!! That's an all time high for me, and I can't wait to get better!! This purchase also included 2 half-loins, as well as a couple packages of ground turkey. Sinceeat always seems to be the most costly o of my groceries, I was extra stoked about that!
I also managed to implement a new laundry system this week. I hope i can stick to it! I really think it will make things run smoother, especially since I HATE folding and putting away clothes! I'll post pictures and details about it soon! Now I'm off to make more lists of things to help me get as organized as I want to be while I listen to little beagles bark and bunnies. So long, lovies!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Round 2

Two days in a row. Wow! I'm hoping I don't fall off the wagon after tomorrow since I won't be able to post.  Instead, I'll be having a slumber party with 4 of the most precious, well-behaved, sweetest children that you can ever imagine. :) I met this great family at church, where I work in the nursery on Sunday mornings.  It didn't take me long to fall in love with the youngest on our Sunday morning dates; from there I fell in love with her entire family and love keeping the kiddos.  I should definitely be taking lessons from their mommy on how awesomely she's raising her children.  I could only wish to have such well behaved kids (someday).
Oh, by the way- I guess my inner beings decided to compromise yesterday afternoon.  While I didn't get a nap like I wanted, I did go to my parents house to pick up some of my fall decorations I have stored there, ran a couple of errands, and came home to cook a delicious dinner of meatloaf, mac & cheese, and collard greens (with hot sauce, of course). Yummmyyyy! Then I protested the dirty dishes and hit the hay. 
It's hard to believe how "old" I am compared to just a few short years ago! For instance, this is what my night looks like.  I came home, threw on my jammies (did I really just use that word?? eww), and fixed a not-so-home-made dinner of those Ramen Noodle things.  I did, however, pour myself an ice cold glass of some yummy Moscato...which I only bought because it was on sale. Never mind that though.
I remember a time not so long ago that my Thursday nights were filled with getting dressed up all cute and going to weekly dinner dates with my favorite gals.  Now, I'm having trouble holding my eyes open past 9:00 PM. Shew!
I'm off to bed very shortly, but before I go I ask beg you to head over to Lily's CDH Story and read up on my sweet niece.  Please keep this sweet child (and our family) in your prayers! She needs God's healing hand- and we desperately need good news!

'Night Y'all!


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Here. We. Go.

Well hello there lovies! Since my old blog was super outdated ((and pretty much abandoned)), I decided to start from scratch. Fingers crossed that I do better this go 'round. 
Usually people start new things at the beginning of a new year, but for some reason the first signs of my favorite season always lights a fire under me.  I am oh, so in love with autumn and everything that comes with it- except anything pumpkin flavored. Nonetheless, the weather is [finally!] cooling off, and I am sitting on the couch attempting to get my blogging act together while the windows are open and my lazy dog is taking his 2nd nap of the day.  
I'm quite positive all of you reading this (aka- just myself) have heard of Pinterest.  I discovered it almost 2 years ago, and became addicted to it within ohhh maybe 5 seconds of browsing.  (by the way, you can follow me, here.) Anywho- I've read and re-pinned tons of awesome stuff; most of which usually lead some pretty nifty blogs.  Over the summer I started following a few of these blogs, which has lead to me completing some pretty cool crafts, as well as better organization and cleaning ideas [when I actually bother to get up and try the cool things I'm reading]. I've also talked to some girls at work who are always telling me about crafts and recipes they've (very successfully) tried that came from Pinterest. 
Since I work about an hour away from home, and work 10 hour days, I decided that I needed better organization in many different areas so I can keep my house (somewhat) clean, and be able to actually feed my sweet fella a home cooked meal- at least a few days a week.  I love, love, LOVE to cook, but being away from home so much makes it hard to cook as much as I'd like.  I heard about 'freezer cooking' from a coworker, and a friend from church was nice enough to give me a copy of a cooking system she used for about 6 months.  My goal is to do most of my cleaning and cooking on my day off during the week, as well as during 1 day during the weekend.  Then, I can take it easy during the week.  Although, I've already realized that my OCD version of "taking it easy" will never agree, nor allow, my tuckered out teacher version of "taking it easy."  
The tuckered out teacher in my wants nothing more than to cuddle up and read a few more chapters of my book...but the OCD house-wife-wanna-be in me knows that I've got clothes to bring in off the line and fold, as well as dishes to wash and floors to mop. Not to mention dinner to cook! 
I'll letcha know which one of my internal beings wins this battle! ;) 

Later lovies,
Lindsey B