
Friday, February 14, 2014

Puppy Love

Sheww! It's been a while, y'all! Life has been in FULL swing lately. I've been teaching a class of sweet, precious, first grade babies since August and I can't believe how much they've grown.  I've gotten so attached to those sweet babies, and I can't believe my year with them is over halfway over!! :/ I haven't seen my students since Monday, and won't see them again until Tuesday, so I can't wait to get bombarded with sweet hugs from them.
One great thing about life in the south is that when winter weather strikes, it forces us to slow down stop in our snow tracks. Even though cabin fever is starting to set in, it has been SO nice to be stuck and home and have nothing to do. However, it has clearly also made me lose my mind because yesterday we ventured out into town once the roads thawed out a little...and came home with a new puppy. That's right, Fisher has a little furry sister...and he's not too sure about her yet. Lola, a sweet German Shepherd puppy, joined our little family yesterday and is starting to settle in.  Hopefully she'll be fully settled soon, because sleepless nights are for the birds!
Isn't this little girl just precious?! I can't wait to watch her and Fisher become best friends! How do you spend a snowy day in your neck of the woods?!
