
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Pinterest: It's a love/hate relationship

Mannn I LOVE a good Pinterest session.  You know what I'm talking' about.  A good cup of coffee, Pandora in the background, comfy clothes, and Pinterest.  I see SO many things that I want to try out! Sweet G got me more stuff to feed my Silhouette addiction for Christmas. {YAY!} So I've been searching for jussttt the right project to test out my new toys, so of course I headed straight to Pinterest.  That was 2 days ago.  I've still yet to decide on that "just right" project.  What is wrong with me, people?!?! What's wrong is I've gone into Pinterest overload- and I'm completely overwhelmed at the "must haves" that I now need to make.  

Here's my aha-moment.  Hello, New Year's Resolution! For every... let's say 10... things I pin, I must try/make 1.  I like the 5:1 ratio better, but let's not get carried away here.  I'm not normally one to make resolutions for the new year [I know myself entirely too well- I'll get carried away and won't follow through], but I think this one will be manageable... and force myself to become a little more creative! Do you have any New Year's resolutions? Do tell! 


Monday, December 29, 2014

Motivational Monday

It's so easy for me to let the day get away from me, which is why it's important for me to take control of the day and twist and turn it to my will.  Of course there are always distractions and things that get in the way of what I'd planned to do for the day, so I have to make sure that what I want [need] to get done takes precedence over these distractions that always seem to pop up.  I am working on getting into the habit of having a clear plan for what I want to accomplish for the day... and sticking with it! To do lists help me a ton {Good thing I love making lists!} with helping me force myself to stay on track and true to intentions.  Doing this will help me ensure that I don't get into the habit of letting the day run me so I won't have a ton of days that don't go my way!


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Have yourself a merry little Christmas...

Wow! Is it seriously Christmas Eve?! I'm that girl that's been listening to Christmas music since October and had my tree up since {the beginning of} November, so I can't honestly say that it's snuck up on me.  It's more like, I've been waiting on the porch, waving this day on in since I saw it coming. I don't do that to overshadow Thanksgiving, but I do it to enjoy the REAL meaning of CHRISTmas for as long as I can. I love it!
I think I love this day as much as I love Christmas... almost. ;) I've got to do some last minute grocery shopping and LOTS of present wrapping today. I better get my tail in gear SOON! 
While we're all waiting for Santa to come visit us tonight, let's take a few minutes to reflect on the true meaning of CHRISTmas.  How amazing is it that God sent us his Son, so that we can not only live, but get to celebrate His birth? It's easy to get wrapped up in the gift-giving and yummy eating, but I challenge you to always keep the true meaning of this day in your heart.  How are you spreading CHRISTmas cheer this year?


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Motivational Monday

A while back, I started reading and listening to personal development books.  Then I slacked off. So I figured I better get my tail back in gear over Christmas break.  As soon as I picked up another book, I wondered why I ever let myself slack off from reading it! I feel so much motivated, and work so much harder to be a better person when I'm reading or listening to a little PD.  I've heard several friends rave about The Slight Edge and Failing Forward lately.  So I put Failing Forward on hold at the library and got The Slight Edge for my Kindle.  I can't put the book down! I'm only a tiny bit in, but I love it already!  This quote stood out to me, so I thought I'd share it.  Reading, and rereading, this quote several times really got me thinking about where I'm headed.  Now, this gal has got some BIG dreams for myself, my future family, and my amazing little Thirty-One business.  But dreams without goals are pretty much useless, right? I did some serious soul searching today. And I plan to continue my soul searching on regular basis.  I should never be 'okay' with where I am.  I should always strive to become better... and not only strive to become better, but decide and work towards becoming a better person, future wife, future mother, teacher, an entrepreneur.  That being said, read this quote.  Then read it again. And again.  Who will you decide to be?


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Apparently teachers don't take summer breaks

So, for the first time ever since I was in school, I have actually had some time off this summer. It's been great.  But it's also made me pretty much worthless, so I'm ready to get a schedule down next week with some sweet kiddos I'll be spending some time with this summer.  In the mean time, I've thoroughly enjoyed sleeping late and taking advantage of G's schedule where (for the first time in foreverrrr) we've both been off on random days.  Earlier this week I drug him, he accompanied me to a big 'ol education store in a nearby city.  I was able to rack up on some basic decorations and supplies that I knew I'd need when I get back in my room.  At least I bought his lunch, right?

I've been following C Jayne Teach on Instagram, and have fallen in LOVE with her Teacher Anchors. So, I broke down and ordered mine today. Eeekkk!! I can't wait to get that bad boy in the mail! Be still my teacher heart. Seriously. Teacher friends. check. it. out. I mean, what teacher doesn't want a planner that's already got your grade book, data pages, running records, curriculum checklists, and wait for it.... your standards all in ONE place?! I'm beyond excited about this! Stay tuned for a complete run down when that binder full of goodness arrives in the mail! 

Until next time, 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Puppy Love

Sheww! It's been a while, y'all! Life has been in FULL swing lately. I've been teaching a class of sweet, precious, first grade babies since August and I can't believe how much they've grown.  I've gotten so attached to those sweet babies, and I can't believe my year with them is over halfway over!! :/ I haven't seen my students since Monday, and won't see them again until Tuesday, so I can't wait to get bombarded with sweet hugs from them.
One great thing about life in the south is that when winter weather strikes, it forces us to slow down stop in our snow tracks. Even though cabin fever is starting to set in, it has been SO nice to be stuck and home and have nothing to do. However, it has clearly also made me lose my mind because yesterday we ventured out into town once the roads thawed out a little...and came home with a new puppy. That's right, Fisher has a little furry sister...and he's not too sure about her yet. Lola, a sweet German Shepherd puppy, joined our little family yesterday and is starting to settle in.  Hopefully she'll be fully settled soon, because sleepless nights are for the birds!
Isn't this little girl just precious?! I can't wait to watch her and Fisher become best friends! How do you spend a snowy day in your neck of the woods?!


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

31 days:: day 17 :: happiness is taking a leap

I'm very excited to say that I have a huge pink box waiting on my doorstep for me when I get home! This box contains all the goodies I need to start my Thirty-One business!

I have toyed with the idea of becoming a consultant for Thirty-One before, but I was always on the fence, and it seemed to be more of a "what if", rather than something I was sure I wanted to do. 

However, over the past few months, the Lord has been trying to tell me to do something, but I wasn't quite sure what he wanted me to do.  Being the planner that I am, I know that one day when I have kids and a family of my own, that I won't want to work and be away from home for 13 hours every day, like I am now.  But, I also know that I don't want to wait until that "one day" comes before I figure out how I'll make it work. 

Then, I randomly asked a friend of G's how and when she got started with Thirty-One.  I've heard several successful Thirty-One consultants-turned-directors share their story with me, but it never quite sounded like something for me.  But, I wanted to hear my friend's story.  She's a straight-shootin' kinda gal, so I knew she wouldn't feed me any junk and would tell me exactly like it is.  I messaged her, and she called me the very next day and told me her Thirty-One story.  Right away, I knew this was something for me.  I'm not knocking those other stories- because every single Thirty-One story that I've heard has been successful and awesome, but I just don't think it was for me at the time. 

But there's no time like the present, right?

Shortly after a couple of conversations with J, I was signed up and have been patiently awaiting for the arrival of my big pink box! Thanks to UPS equipping impatient bodies like me with a tracking link, I now know that my start up kit is sitting on my front porch, waiting for me to tear into it.  [Which is not helping this work day pass by any quicker, btw.]

I soon hope that I can share my successful Thirty-One story with everyone, but for now I can tell you that I took a leap of faith, am trusting God to lead me in the right direction, and I am very happy about this!

The point of this post is NOT to shove Thirty-One down your throat, or even to try to convince you to buy my products.  But, I am so incredibly excited about God pointing to Thirty-One that I am genuinely happy about this adventure.  After toying with some part-time "work from home" options, I knew Thrity-One would be good.  After all, the company is named after Proverbs 31, is a Christian based company, and was started by a Godly woman and her husband.  God is good, so this adventure is sure to be good as well!